Major snowfall
It all started with raining the day before (Feb 4) and then when I got up yesterday, it was sleeting. By about 9am or so, it had changed to snow and big flakes!. It did not let up till some time last night. Maybe around midnight. This morning I awoke to about 9-1/2 inches of snow and I see that some people in the area have about 12 or so. When I saw the forecast Friday, I didn’t see how it could really snow that much. They where predicting 3-5 inches. At the time it really looked very unlikely cause it was about 46 degrees and there was a wet front coming in.
In the 26 years I have lived in the area, it has snowed a fair number of times but nothing like this. It was always in smaller amounts and only once came close to this but it accumulated from several fronts that moved through. This was just one! And when it started, it didn’t stop all day and part of the night.
I reckon I’ll be staying home for most of the day. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. There is more rain on the way so it might melt by end of the week…
Thanks. I will keep it in mind. Presently we have plenty of outlets but we are expanding every year so this may be a direction we’ll go at some point.